How to Care for Dental Implants
After you receive dental implants and feel as if you have a new lease on life with your new teeth, you might wonder how to care for them. Unlike dentures, implants do not come out of your mouth, which means that any care that you provide will need to be in your mouth, as you did when you had your natural teeth. Luckily, the care for implants is very similar to the care that you are used to providing.
Oral Hygiene HabitsYour oral hygiene habits should remain the same as they did when you had your natural teeth. You will need to brush your implants at least twice a day and floss in between your teeth at least once a day. This will help to keep plaque away from your gums, reducing the risk of tartar buildup and subsequent gum disease from occurring. It is also safe to use mouthwash with implants if you want to rinse your mouth for bad breath or as an extra defense against infection.
Eating Habits With Dental ImplantsYour eating habits might need to change slightly with dental implants. The teeth themselves will operate just like your natural teeth, which mean that you can still eat hard foods or those that require extra chewing. What you will need to watch, however, is the food that can stain your implants. In general, food and drinks, such as coffee, tea, berries, soda and wine should be consumed in limited quantities. In general, implants do not stain unless the finish on the front is stripped, which can happen if you brush too hard, use abrasive toothpaste, or through the normal wear and tear that teeth go through, but it is always better to err on the side of caution.
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