Look Younger with Dental Implants
No one likes the aging process, but it is a part of life. One part that you do not have to readily accept is the need to have the 'sunken in' look as you age. This look, which is so common for senior citizens, is what occurs when you experience tooth loss. Luckily, today there are many alternatives to either help you save your teeth or replace the teeth that simply could not be saved. The most beneficial alternative to missing teeth is dental implants.
How Dental Implants Keep you Looking Young When you have dental implants, your jawbone receives the same stimulation it would receive had you still had your natural teeth. Without this stimulation, your bone would become reabsorbed as it does not receive the stimulation necessary for bone cell growth. This is how elderly people obtain that 'sunken in' appearance. With dental implants, your bone stays intact and your face retains its natural shape, enabling you to avoid the senior citizen look that is so common.
Keep your Self-Confidence with Dental Implants In addition, dental implants make it possible for you to carry yourself with a certain level of self-confidence that would not have been possible without implants. When you are missing teeth, you tend to isolate yourself, become embarrassed, smile less and even talk less. These actions in and of themselves can make you seem older or more distant, aging you without you even realize it is occurring.
For more information about dental implants and if they are right for you, call our office for a consultation.
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