Sugarless Gum Could Help Your Oral Health |
There is never a replacement for proper brushing and flossing of your teeth, but if you had to pick one thing, chewing sugarless gum could be a runner up. Studies have shown that chewing certain sugarless gums could prevent tooth decay as long as it is gum that is approved by the ADA and it is chewed for at least 20 minutes.
Gum Promotes Saliva ProductionYour saliva plays a vital role in the state of your oral health. If you have a dry mouth and very little saliva production, your teeth are at a higher risk for decay and your mouth at risk for infection. Chewing sugarless gum has been shown to increase that saliva production, which encourages food particles and acids to be washed away from your teeth.
Sugarless Gum versus Gum with SugarSome people wonder why chewing gum that is made with sugar, rather than sweeteners does not have the same effect since it is the process of chewing that promotes the saliva production. While the chewing process is obviously the same, the sugar content in gum that is made with real sugar counteracts the benefits of chewing sugarless gum to wash away acids. The sugar is being added to your teeth rather than washed away in this instance.
If you choose to chew sugarless gum after a meal that you are unable to get to your toothbrush, make sure it is only those varieties that are approved by the ADA as those products are determined to be safe and effective for promoting good oral health.
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